We are delighted to have you on this page, where you are free as a Member to always make a formal public expression of your goodwill and thoughtfulness known to your loved ones and the world at large.

If you have any form of greeting (such as; Birthday, Wedding, House Warming Message, Season’s Greetings, Weekend Greetings, etc) you wish to publicise, do feel free to forward the details to:

Subject: Greetings.

We will then post the greeting on the website with your names, and highlight it on our Facebook page. Be mindful that we do not charge for publicising greetings as it provides a service to our members, but would appreciate a small donation of £10 to BIBLOCARE TRUST to support in the altruistic care service. If you wish to support in this magnanimous manner, do kindly use the following bank details:

Lloyd’s Bank Account Name: BIBLOCARE TRUST
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account No: 422-93-568
Reference: Donation


Biblocare Trust